QNuclei software · Nuclear Physics · Simulation

Software based on Perturbation theory and Monte Carlo method of calculation. Tool for work in laboratory, for research, for industry and for the educational system. Applications in Nuclear Physics, Chemistry and Engineering.

QNuclei Software

We can calculate the nuclear structure of all the elements in the periodic table. The software allows obtaining the Fermi level without the continuum hypothesis, considering only discretized eigenvalues. In addition, the wave function of all the protons and neutrons in a nucleus can be represented. Download DEMO Version.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. The software has three different windows.In the initial window, 1D (one-dimensional) eigenvalues and eigenfunctions can be calculated. In addition, the model parameters can be changed in the initial window. The other windows are the Eigenfunctions (3D) window and the Eigenvalues (3D) window. Every time model parameters or input data are changed, the 1D eigenvalues in the initial window must be recalculated.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Initial software window. Nuclei software.

QNuclei SOFTWARE · nuclear isotopes. Initial window for Level (3D) calculation.

QNuclei SOFTWARE · nuclear isotopes. Initial window for Wave Function calculation.

The algorithm for counting nucleons, which the program has, takes into account the degeneracy of quantum levels and allows us to see how the symmetrical energy acts in the nuclei. QNuclei is ab initio (from first principles) software. That is, you only have to enter the values of N (number of neutrons) and Z (number of protons) to perform the calculations. The program allows to see how the symmetrical energy acts in the nuclei.

The procedure that we are going to carry out will be the following.

1) Find a stable nucleus and get N and Z.
2) Adjust the value of c_sym (symmetry energy) with the following condition, Fermi level (neutrons)= Fermi level (protons).
3) We study the nucleus.

Simulation Modelling · Quantum Simulation · Quantum Software · Quantum Monte Carlo

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Protons (right) and neutrons (left) in Tellurium nucleus Te(A=128, Z=52). Energy versus nucleus radius in the Fermi Gas model. It is shown eigenvalues, wave functions (green for protons and grey for neutrons), and the quantum well potential for protons. An electrostatic potential is also considered in the calculations.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Actinium nucleus Ac Z=89. Neutrons (3D). 

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Aluminum nucleus Al Z=13. (1,2) state and wave function, Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Americium nucleus Am Z=95. Wave functions (1D).

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Argon nucleus Ar Z=18. Eigenvalues (3D) for protons and neutrons.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Arsenic nucleus As Z=33. Wave function (3D) (3,2).

QNuclei SOFTWAREActinium nucleus Ac Z=89. Wave functions (1D).

QNuclei SOFTWAREAluminum nucleus Al Z=13. Levels (3D) for protons and neutrons.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Americium nucleus Am Z=95. Levels (3D) for protons and neutrons.

QNuclei SOFTWAREArgon nucleus Ar Z=18. Levels for protons (3D).

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Arsenic nucleus As Z=33. Levels for protons (3D).

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Actinium nucleus Ac Z=89. Proton probability density (5,5). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Aluminum nucleus Al Z=13. Proton probability density (5,5). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Americium nucleus Am Z=95. Proton probability density (1,3). Metropolis algorithm..

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Argon nucleus Ar Z=18. Proton probability density (2,2). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Arsenic nucleus As Z=33. Proton probability density (7,1). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Actinium nucleus Ac Z=89. Proton probability density (5,5). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Aluminum nucleus Al Z=13. Proton probability density (5,3). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Americium nucleus Am Z=95. Proton probability density (7,1). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Argon nucleus Ar Z=18. Proton probability density (2,2). Metropolis algorithm.

QNuclei SOFTWARE. Arsenic nucleus As Z=33. Proton probability density (5,3). Metropolis algorithm.


Quantum simulation software. Applications in nuclear decay, isotopes, nuclear fission, fusion, studies of nuclear kinetic energy, reactors, nuclear technology, wastes, nuclear stations, plants, nuclear masses and stability.